Learning To Play Your Mind
Learning To Play Your Mind
Dheeresh Turnbull
Dheeresh Turnbull

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Breaking News!


I am again taking new therapy clients, either online or face-to-face.  Get in touch if interested.


THE HOVE ZEN & MINDFULNESS SANGHA is now renamed as BOUNDLESS HOVE ZEN SANGHA, and meets on Tuesdays, in person or online (7 for 7.15-8.45pm).   As well as the sitting and walking, the current schedule is a service on the first Tuesdaydaisan (individual interviews) on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, and teishos (Dharma talks) on the third Tuesday of the month.


We are part of the Wild Goose Zen Sangha (www.wildgoosesangha.org) which is part of the White Plum Asanga, the lineage from Taizan Maezumi Roshi.


Chi Gong is dormant at the moment, but could start again in the spring if there is interest.


Dheeresh's books

Dheeresh's  books are currently out of print (I'm working on it) but the CBT-Pot is sometimes available 2nd hand on Amazon:


'The CBT-Pot: Learning to Play Your Mind' (Penpress 2013).


'The Mindfulness Handbook: Learning to Play Your Mind II' (Penpress 2014).  Anyone needing reprints of this contact me directly.


Also available: 'Clinical Mindfulness, Meta-Perspective & True Nature' in 'After Mindfulness: New Perspectives on Psychology and Meditation' (ed. Manu Bazzano - Palgrave MacMillan, 2014)


Contact us

You can reach us on:

0775 8574567


You can also use our contact form.


Dheeresh Turnbull B.A., M.Litt., PGCE, Dip CT, BABCP accredited

a.k.a. Shinkai Sensei




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