We are open for business at the following times:
Usually office hours (9-5) at the Acupuncture Clinic on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but if you are seeking 1:1 CBT, please bear in mind that on Wednesday mornings I am running the Qi Gong class first thing (9.30 start) so I'm not available for 1:1 until 11 a.m.; similarly with the Homemade Zen class on Friday - I'm not available for 1:1 until 11 a.m.
On Tuesdays I offer 1:1 CBT in Eastbourne at the Natural Fitness Centre, the Redoubt between 10 & 5pm.
On Thursdays I offer 1:1 CBT in Southwick (Manor Farm House, 20 Southwick Street, Southwick BN42 4TB) as an associate therapist for Aurora CBT. Please phone 01273 593344 to make an appointment there.
Dheeresh Turnbull B.A., M.Litt., PGCE, Dip CT, BABCP accredited
a.k.a. Shinkai Sensei